Community Remains




I was recently asked to write a text for Epilogue, the final degree show publication from the BA (hons) Photographic Art course at the University of South Wales. I studied on the course between 2010-2013 when it was at the University of Wales, Newport’s beautiful Caerleon campus. The university and the course itself have been through a great number of changes since then and the changes aren’t stopping any time soon. There’s a sense of finality here though, with the end of the Photo Art course after 20 years. It’s a course I truly loved being on and I’ve stayed close to it ever since so I was honoured to be asked to write a text for the final show. You can read it here. 

The exhibition is on at Cardiff’s Sustainable Studio right now and it’s open everyday from June 9th-18th, Mon-Sun, 11:00-17:00. Go see the work and pick up a publication!